Monday, July 11, 2011

Multiple Career Choices

Multiple Career Choices
Author: Devjit Bhuiyan
ISBN: 8122307795

An activity undertaken with a missionary spirit, backed by thorough research, by a person who is eminently qualified for the task, and executed with professional competence, cannot fail to achieve its objectives.

Devajit Bhuyan has authored a book, which is better described as a digest, in which he has meticulously explored and mapped the cavernous paths of the world of careers, which exist today.

The book is outstanding in that though the title is an innocuous - "Multiple Career Choices," and like many others of its kind, could be a matter-of-fact statement of uninspiring facts and figures, the author has offered a fascinating guided tour of the complex world which every young person must undertake, if he or she wishes to enter a profession or career, best suited to the aptitude, circumstances, aspirations, and capabilities which are unique to every individual.

"While choosing a career one must give due importance to personal values and opt for a profession that is more in sync with these. An overemphasis on money can only lead to short-term gains but long-term unhappiness with the extra money being spent on visiting doctors and psychiatrists. Therefore think wisely before opting for a career."
Devajit Bhuyan is imbued with the sense of concern exhibited by a parent, whose offspring is about to embark on the most important aspect of life - the choice of a career, which will enable the youngster to live a happy, healthy, profitable, and rewarding life, usefully employing the talents nature has gifted, and the education that has been provided.

He stresses the importance of having a mission, an aim, and a goal. A career should be by choice, not by chance, with awareness of one's SWOT Analysis - Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats.

The author details nine career drivers - Material Rewards, Power and Influence, Search for Meaning, Expertise, Creativity, Affiliation, Autonomy, Security, and Status.

He emphasizes the value of * Benchmarking - finding and implementing the best practices, instead of reinventing the wheel and setting one's own standards.

The book details the best jobs of the 21st century, the changes in career preferences over the decades, the top 20 challenging jobs, and the factors to be kept in mind while choosing a career, e.g., Intelligence, Personality, Interest, Aptitudes, Physique, Gender, and Age.

It lists hundreds of career options available, the courses of education needed for them, the Colleges, Universities, Deemed Universities, and other institutions with details including the websites, Specialised Courses, Diploma Courses, Degree and Post Degree courses, and various branches of Engineering, Examinations and Tests.

It clarifies through a Question and Answer section, many needed facts about professions.

Professions gaining in importance, Optical Physics, Robotics, Micro Technology, Ocean Engineering, Nanotechnology, Safety Engineering, Financial Engineering, etc. are among those described.

Educational Consultants and Recruiting Agents, the criteria on how to choose a Computer Institute, and Registering for Admission Tests, are among the wealth of chapters in the book.

If your children or wards are entering the upper stage of secondary education, it is time for you to acquire the knowledge offered in this book. If they are already at the stage of having to choose a career, it is still not too late to "look before they leap."

It is better to spend time and efforts studying the vocational landscape, admirably portrayed in "Multiple Career Choices," than having our youngsters undergo a lifetime of regret and frustration.

View the original article here

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